Saturday, August 16, 2008

Jumbo floating restaurant

Went to Aberdeen (香港仔) one weekend for champange was my FIRST time going there...hahah...yup, u heard me right...after 3.5 yrs+++ in was actually my first time to go there...well, i did passby the place but never   had i had the chance to go eat tat day, it was a dream come was a beautiful sight...the ocean, the air, the scenery...the old fashion boat and everything...i think HK govt should really preserve culture     like this....anyway...we took a boat there...a short 5 mins right...i felt   like a tourist again....hehehe...the place reminded me of the movie directed by stephen chow...everyone should know "god of cookery" haha...after   having the delicious, luxurious brunch there, i went to youtube to reminisce   on the movie...:p 

Out of topic...the brunch has a free flow of champange and oysters...we   even saw Miss HK in there...heheh..don't ask me who, coz i have no    idea :p i took some pictures from the floating restaurant...magnificent view...let's enjoy together :p 

here's the view and it ends with a magnificent ROAR by Jane :)


Jennifer Kho said...

Where is the food?

Jane Jane said...

in my tummy...oh was a week ++ was not inside anymore :p