Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Korean Mask

I organized a farewell dinner for my boss sometime in April this year and invited the other controllers from other countries to attend in Shanghai. Before that, I asked them to prepare a farewell gift for him...something that will remind him of, they all got something special from their country. 

The controller from Korea decided to get a traditional Korean mask for him so that he could hang on his wall. My boss likes unique things and he puts them in his office. So i thought that was a good idea. So that day, the korean controller brought the mask...which was nicely wrapped in a box and a nice bag. such a big box! When he handed the gift to the boss, he said to the boss: "Here's a gift for you. It's Korean mask". I saw an awkward look from our boss but he thanked him anyway. 

We had dinner for about 2 hours and when we left..the guys were all smoking at the lobby...and suddenly something hit my boss and he said to the Korean controller: "oh, it is a traditional Korean mask right? i thought you gave me a big box of Korean mask for my face. I was thinking why i need such a big box of mask for my face!" haha, we all laughed out wonder the awkward look when he received the gift. It is easy to misinterpret since Korean mask is so popular!


lj said...

Ha ha! good one! but than if he really got the face mask, u gals might get a share too!

Jane Jane said...

yeah..actually my boss was thinking he couldnt finish such a big box and thought of giving out..he thought he looked so old that he needed such a BIG box. language sometimes can be really funny~