Saturday, September 12, 2015


It is that time of the year again.. The time that is hot and dry and hazy... Hot and dry due to Mother Nature which we can endure... But haze due to inconsiderate neighbor who has to use burn is really something no one can accept. So many questions flow through our mind.. Why they have to burn? Don't they know it is not good for the environment and not good for everyone's health? Don't they know they are affecting other people? I think they know, just refuse to accept!

Anyway, these few days, it has been quite hazy in Singapore... But not as bad as Kuching.. Actually I didn't realize there is haze until my colleagues mentioned. I didn't even realize that Singapore has turned hazy.. Gosh.. What was I doing?

The other day, my colleague suffered from throat and nose problem due to haze and warn my boss and i about ping out in the hazy weather... We both answered:"we just came from shanghai which is a lot worse than this!"

Oh, now I know why I didn't realize it was hazy.. It is because I am immuned to pollution. Hey, is this good?

Should I thank china for making my lung immune to pollution, my stomach immuned to unclean and inorganic food, my ears to loud noise and my throat to talking loudly?

This is the picture from my home. During normal days I could see orchard road from afar but not these days~~ 

I saw from the news last night that pahang has the most serious haze pollution and followed by Kuching! Gosh, I think it is time our neighbors start to think of alternative way to clear their forest. Imagine how much it is for the neighbors, Their people are suffering too.


jenn said...

Haze has not officially become out annual season :(

I don't know how these people sleep at night when millions of people are affected by their inconsiderate action. They should be locked in a confined room full of smoke, let's see if they find it an enjoyment! haha

Jane Jane said...

some people just think of themselves....sigh...

lj said...

All because of money, open burning is the cheapest way to clear land and we human health become worthless.

I find it funny n sad at the same time about your remark Jane, luckily u r back to a safer place now, so enduring one month of haze is still better than year long pollution in shanghai lah hor

Jane Jane said...

haha, im glad to be out of china too....

now u know how i lived in shanghai for the past 5 years!

可怜的我 T_T