Thursday, December 1, 2011

Fruitful week

Went to shanghai technology museum with my nieces and nephew plus my sis' in law's family. Two more kids tagged along. I really enjoyed the trip because I found how lovely I am and how lovable I can be. There is an old saying - kids are honest and they can tell if you are nice and kind and like you as such... All FIVE kids LOVE me sooooooo much... So much that they all clang to me whole day during whole trip.. It was good fun.. Coz I kept hearing gugu, gugu..they got jealous when one kid was close to me, they wanted to outbeat each other to treat me nice *feel like queen* they gave me different lollies, gave me LOTS of attention an throughout the whole journey, I kinda feel that I could be a good kindergarten teacher.. They loved my stories. They listened to my lecture, they fought for my attention..I really enjoyed it. During resting time, my SIL's s and I were playing with a 2 yr old girl (stranger) who sat near us. My SIL's tried to ask for free food from the little gal but got rejected, even getting a stared from the little gal. Then i tried my luck, looked at her and asked for a share of her food, expected rejection too, to my surprised, she handed me her food!!! I said kindly she could have it, the little gal kept extending it to me *touched* i took it with a happy heart~~~but felt bad for stealing her food :p One thing I learned from this trip is: age is catching up with me.. I came home feeling exhausted... Most importantly, it's better to delegate your job or u would end up DEAD!! But I still love all five kids :)


lj said...

5 kids clang to u! a horror scene to me, yucks! i dont like kids, especially those spoiled n rude kids, kids are devils that covered under the mask of pure & innocent, horrible! gosh! i think i really not eligible to become a mom.

or maybe in other words, in contrast of u being an angel, i am a demon, demon hate kids! wua ha ha!

baby jane said...

buwhahahaha....u really think kids are scarier than adults ar....hahaha..u should listen to kids' interesting and sound so real..they really believe in everything i say...that's why i love kids!!! \(^^)/

looks who's the demon :p angel in disguise

lj said...

fake angel! give me back my wings!

jenn said...

two fake angels...
real angels don't tell!