Thursday, September 23, 2010

Mooncake festival

中 秋 快 樂 (happy mooncake day) my friends....time sure flies and i couldnt remember what i did last year...i think it was just a simple dinner with friends without lanterns....i remember the time i had this special day in malaysia..always full of friends and lit-lanterns...well, not here, i played it once in hk and that's it :) this year, it was a simple celebration again..just went to DMY's place for dinner...home-cooked meal!!! yay...DMY cooked udon for's my favourite dish and i enjoyed it so much...this year, we had it with plum wine and char siu...guess what, we tried new flavoured mooncake this yr..cold CHOCOLATE mooncake and MANGO mooncake...they were superlicious!!! the most important is still the companionship offered by DMY ^^ met her new pet from seoul..tada~~ white glad DMY likes the rabbit as well and decided to get wonder we are good friends!!
and one more thing about mooncake festival..i was talking to my taiwanese friend and for some reason, HK has holiday the day after mooncake day and taiwan has it on the exact day...when i told my friend that our holiday is only friend was hk having leftover mooncake? why we play lanterns on mooncake day but no 元宵节? have we been celebrating in the wrong way ever since? nah...i still like lanterns on mooncake day :)

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