Friday, April 2, 2010

Tiger, happy dog dog

Tiger...jenn's doggie at home....i took a lot of his videos when i was back in kuching for CNY... he is one big naughty dog since the last time i saw him as a pup...he has grown alot... he is very very naughty...sometimes, he looks innocent, sometimes he looks cheeky (and he is), sometimes he looks kinda sad to me...the thing i like most abt him is his long tail...and that whenever we come home, he will rush all the way (like he is being chased by another big dog) and stop right at the foot of the car door waiting for us to get off and start jumping up and down and licking your legs...he sometimes act like a big cat....rubbing himself against you...hiak hiak hiak..dono what you are thinking~~look at him, don you think he looks like he has put only eye shadow? so adorable la...

1 comment:

Jenn said...

he got dark circles under his eyes haha...

he didn't 'hiu' u much when u took the video worrr