Tuesday, March 30, 2010

to buy or not to buy

Lately, my sony ericsson is going hay-wired....i could have just finished charging it and then talk for 2 mins and my phone will turn off automatically...i have a bad feeling..a very very bad feeling that my beloved sony ericsson phone is dying and it's gonna be dead soon....yup, i'm sad...for the following good reasons:
  • it has been with me for over 3 years...and we have gone through a lot of ups and downs together~~~
  • i still love the phone functions eventhough it's a bit outdated compared to the technology these days...it takes really good pictures!!!!
  • meaning i need to spend $$$ to get a new phone...perhaps i should just get a new battery...the phone works well...i remember asking my colleague abt mobile phones the other night and they were SoOooo surprised that i having using my mobile phone for THREE years...they think the useful life of a mobile phone is only ONE year...i am just proud to say that i'm a faithful person...loyal is the proper word

I have been researching for a phone to buy...a lot of my friends encourage me to buy i-phone because it's in fashion now and that it has really really good functions...i have to say, im not a technology person..actually as long as the mobile phones allow me to receive calls, make calls, sms, take pictures and have COLOURS, i'm pretty ok with them....iphones are SOOOo expensive and after thinking for very very long time...i have finally made up my mind to get it...and yesterday i went to the stores and guess what..., all the phones are SOLD OUT!!!!! too many rich people out there i guess....not like me :( have to think for so long and adjust my thoughts.....oh well, guess i have to wait a bit longer....i might change my mind in between...who knows...what would u do if u were me???!!!

Actually as i'm typing right now...both of my batteries are already DEAD...siiiiggggghhhh


Tracy said...

This is my dream phone too. But it soooooooo expensive to get one. :(

baby jane said...

yalor...i struggle like forever...and finally...i decided just to go for it..am now waiting for it to be delivered to my doorstep :) yay... happy + 心痛 at the same time