Sunday, December 14, 2008

scary or funny?

Yesterday, i went to an island near HK, called "long island" (AKA Chang Zhou) with my friends....we wanted to get away from HK, hoping to relax and enjoy the the same time, we wanted to have seafood too...saigon seafood is too expensive and lamma island is a bit small...i remember once i was happily cycling around on long island, so i decided to invite my friends to stroll around was a 45 mins boat ride, as usual, i slept thru the whole boat journey just to try to avoid seasickness....the moment we got off the boat and out of the pier, we were all greeted by mountains and mountains of people!!!! crap, our plan was just like any corner of HK...full of could we cycle in this area???!!! so wat we did was, instead of cycling, we walked was a beautiful little town...facing the ocean and backing up by mountain..the best feng shui ever!!! there were a lot of shops, selling all kind of things, food, candy, dried seafood, hawker stalls etc...we stopped and ate all sorts of junk...then we stopped in front of a place, which had a paper BMW parked of my friends said: "Oh wow, look at's cute~~~" i looked at her and said:"oh for the dead" friend was shocked and said:"oh...hmmm..i didnt know"...then we tried to walk away from that place and only we realised that it was a FUNERAL!!!! there were a lot of chairs in front and someone was "guiding" the coffin...OMG OMG...not a pleasant sight....we quickly walked away...we saw two ladies taking pictures of the funeral....i thought to myself...oh my, is that something she wanna keep? anyway, we laughed it off...

then my friend told us something really funny...she said the sister went travelling with her friends one time...i forgot day while they were strolling around, they saw chinese opera on the street and that all the chairs in front of the stage were all empty...they were so happy, they said to each other that it was free opera and they got to sit down and watch...and so they did....after a while, someone tapped them on the shoulder and told them that the opera was not performed for them and the seats were not for the human too...both of them looked at each other, turned green and quickly got up and left....that night, both of them were....were....damn tired and went to sleep early...buwahahha..what were u thinking? :p


Anonymous said...

the dolls look spooky *goosebumps*

i know abt the empty chairs for opera thingie.. actually, that's performed during the ghost month, for the 'ah piu'. If ur luck is 'low', you could get possessed. I learned this from watching tv ;p

who says tv is not educational? hehe

Anonymous said...

great ending! ciu~

maybe those 'brothers' like to be seated by your friends :p ,girls on laps boh! mua ha ha.