Friday, November 21, 2008


have you ever felt like your heart is thumping really hard and fast and you can't really figure out you feel the way you feel at that time? have you ever felt frustrated and annoyed at the slight sound someone/something makes? No matter how many deep breathes you take, how hard you try to figure out why, you just have no answers for it? this is how i feel today and right now and i don't quite understand why....even the thought of not having to work for two days and that my friend is coming to visit me, and that i will be going back to kuching soon, nothing seems to be able to cheer me up...why why WHY? can somebody tell me? i hate this kind of it because i create this feeling myself? am i imagining it or am i really feeling it? i just wish the world could stop for a while and let me enjoy the silence for a while~~~~~sighhhhhh.....


Anonymous said...

 you are sick ! ! !
\__ ____/
   /▼▼▼ ヽ
   | (●) (●)  |
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    ヽ. !、 ! ノ  ノ-'~)

Anonymous said...

r u having a PMS? relax~ dont keep thinking about it n it would go away by itself, take some 'happy' food like banana n nuts. focus your attention to something else my dear

here, give u a hug \(")/ ...emm...not really look like one but u get what i mean

Anonymous said...

thanks LJ...i just had nuts this morng and for no reasons at all, i feel very good already :) oh, the cat is cute....:)

Anonymous said...

ya, i sometimes get that feeling too! esp on mondays ;p