Sunday, May 9, 2010

the beginning of a horrible trip

Left auckland for sydney this morning...from the time i arrived auckland airport, i already had a bad feeling about this trip...i told myself to be prepared of something bad...i didnt know what yet, but i knew it was going to be a tough one...why? because both NZ and Aus are rigid abt rules and regulations...first, in nz, i was pretty sure that my luggage would be overweight...why? because it was already OW when i came...why? because i have to bring bloody FOUR weeks of stuff and winter clothes somemore!!! then, i bought food in NZ and i know Aus is very strict abt bringing food in, then i also know that by bringing one backpack and one big bag as hand luggages might be too much for them to, i was prepared for all those...

The first bad thing that happened was, eventhough i arrived airport earlier, i had to Q for 40 mins to check in...ok, nvm, at least i was on time...yup, i was right, i was charged bloody NZD 40 for being oveweight...FOR ONE BLOODY KILO!! they could have just let me go..but no, they couldnt pass their own i PAID!!! you might wonder why i paid instead of just taking out the 1 kg?! because i already have too many things on hand, i didnt want 1) the counter lady to weight my hand luggages like what they did to other passengers, 2) i couldnt risk myself at the immigration that they weight my bags and ask me to check in instead...that way, i might incurred more than just NZ$40! all those was my mental calculation...

then i tried to act like my bags werent heavy eventhough they looked kinda BIG...when i walked in the immigration, two custom ladies were at the door checking luggages, i saw them, quickly smiled and greeted them and walked away as quickly as possible...phew, they didnt stop me and i successful passed the immigration...then i was stopped at the x-ray counter where my backpack was scanned 3 times in every angle...searched my bag and found that it was my sunglasses casing that caused the chaos!! fine, that's small matter...when i arrived sydney, i declared all my food...just in case...guess what happened? i was stopped when i handed over my immigration card...why? because i took a glass of white wine in the plane and was apparently too "drunk" and checked all the questions as "YES"..yes, i had AUD10,000 worth of cash, yes, i have AUD10,000 worth of commercial goods, yes, i had been to a farm etc the custom took me aside and questioned i just told him it was a mistake...they let me go...when i was at the custom checking point, the guy asked me to have all my bags scanned...there go my backpack, then my other handluggage, then my big luggage...the guy said i had something in my 2nd hand luggage..i said yeah, i have food inside (pretty confident that it wont be confiscated coz they are just junk food)...he searched and found another bag inside instead...oh, it was my wool-sheep heat bag i got in was love at first side...coz it was really cute...he read the tag and said, you cannot bring this in coz it has WHEAT inside...i was...shocked...WHEAT? OMG...he is going to take it away from i pleaded and said...could i at least have the cover back?

eventhough he confiscated my heat bag, i still felt lucky..coz if i put my sheep in my big bag instead, i would have lost a lot more things...i had 3 packets of cereal, macadania nuts, tea, chocolate least i had the cover i just have a "corpse" without a "heart"'s a pic of the would know why it was love at first side...i can just stuff some cotton wool inside to make it lively again~~ ^^

1 comment:

jenn said...

woohoo hoo.. i feel for u. they confisticated my luggage last time coz there was ONE ant. they should've taken the ant instead of my luggage leh since he travelled without a passport!

jane, sheep looks cute. i can give u a bag of cotton to turn it into a sheep softtoy hiak hiak hiak...