Sunday, February 26, 2012


去年的夏天,和媽媽姐姐去了西安玩。家人在身邊的時候真的很快樂。尤其是在爸媽的身邊,自然而然的就會變成爸媽的小孩了。那時候媽媽一直像小時候那樣想買好吃的給我們,買好玩的東西給我們。*幸福* 她從不買自己的東西。手信永遠是一大包一小包的食物。媽媽呀,就是媽媽。哈哈哈。在西安的時候,我們在逛街,看到路旁有個老媽媽在賣手工藤做的鞋子。我停下來看了一看,媽媽就把鞋子買下來送給我了。感動。我回家就穿上了。那是一雙在家裡穿的鞋子。我很珍惜它,因為是媽媽買的,也因為那位老媽媽做的。差不多一年了,鞋子開始破了,歪了,但是我還是穿著它。我還是沒把它丟了。不過,我怕它們最后一根支柱(看下面的圖就懂了)斷了,就真的不能穿了,所以我昨天買了另外一雙來備用。我。。。還是不舍得把媽媽的愛丟了~~

Saturday, February 25, 2012

kettle story

Havent been updating my blog for very lOooooooong time...i can feel that i'm being missed *blush* not much has happened since the last time i updated my blog and today...well, mayb something did happen, just that i couldnt remember what they are...oh dear, sign of old age.. haha... i want to welcome a new addition to my home...a new electric kettle :) it was like love at first sight..i know how sad that is, falling in love with a kettle instead of a human being..seriously, that's another old sign :p
oh well, the other day, i saw the news abt this guy going to Korea and he boiled water but got serious burnt because the kettle broke into half when he lifted it...kinda reminded me of my kettle at home.....steel base and plastic body...hoo hoo..actually, before i saw the news, i thought of getting a full stainless steel one because it's healthier...i found i always like to procrastinate until something pushes me to do it...hahaha.well, the news is a good motivation...
pls welcome my white "jiu yang" kettle...white plastic cover to deceive people but stainless steel body...the best thing i like abt it is, it is not that expensive...gosh, another sign of old age..hehe :)